Frequently Asked Questions
Be nice to each other. No doxxing or bullying.
Do not post offensive content (nudity, obscenities, violence, hate speech, etc) or copyrighted content.
Do not post personal information. Snap, Insta, etc. handles are okay, so long as they abide by rule #1. Phone numbers and addresses are never okay.
The chat room is a public forum, so be careful what you share online. When you add or accept someone as a Friend, your full name is revealed.
This is not a dating app. Creepy/thirsty posts should be reported.
Check out the website at!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the shaded area on the map mean?
The shaded area represents the coverage area for your chat room. Everyone in your room with falls somewhere in that shaded area.
How do I search for friends?
You can search for other users using their username (which is denoted with the @ symbol). Go to Friends and tap Search, then enter their username. After entering a few letters, an additional "Search online" button will appear; tapping that will search for users not on your friends list. From there, you can add them as friends.
How do I change or delete my avatar?
The default avatar is just your initials overlaid as text on top of your color. You can add a custom drawn avatar by going to your Profile, tapping the Edit icon in the top right, then tapping the avatar. This will bring up the Avatar Canvas, which will allow you to draw your own avatar overlay.
You can upload a background picture by tapping Gallery on the Avatar Canvas. This will set the background of the avatar to the picture you selected; you can still draw and erase as usual.
To delete your custom avatar, tap the Trash icon next to the avatar on your profile page; this will delete the custom avatar and revert you to the default text avatar.
How do I edit or delete a profile post?
Swipe left on the post to reveal the Edit and Delete buttons.
How do I post gif's?
For certain sites (Imgur, giphy) if you paste the url of the gif into the chat box and hit Send, the link will be converted to a gif. We do not currently support uploading gifs directly from your phone.
What are Replies?
Replies in a chat room causes a notification to appear in the replied-to user's Inbox. That way, you never miss a message meant for you. Tap on a message (or long press for an image) to Reply to that message. (Pro tip: you can also begin a message with a username, i.e. "@johndoe Hey what's up", to reply to a user. The user must be in the room for this to work.)
How do I report offensive content?
Tap the offending message (or image) and then tap 'Report'. When enough people report the message, it will be automatically deleted.
Why was I banned?
You were banned because you received too many reports from your fellow users for offensive content, or you were banned by a moderator. Bans can range from a few hours to several days or more. If you attempt to re-login while banned, a popup will show you when the ban will be lifted.
We track the number of 'ignored' friend requests. If you spam friend requests and get consistently ignored by the recipients of those requests, you will be banned for an extended period of time.
Why do some users have different colored names?
Moderator names are purple. Admins are red. Moderators have the ability to remove offensive content and ban users. Admins are employees and have more privileges than moderators.
How do I block people?
You can block someone by going to their profile page, tapping the menu icon (in top right) and tapping Block. Blocking someone prevents them from sending you friend requests, and from viewing your Profile. Their posts are also filtered for you from the chat room and Front Page. However, blocking them does not prevent them from viewing your posts if the posts are in a public chat room or the Front Page.
Why am I the only one in the chat room?
There is no guarantee that other people will be in the same room at the same time as you. Please check back in a little bit!
How do I become a moderator?
Moderators are normally hand-selected by the admins. You don't come to us, we'll come to you!
Do you monitor or track my location?
No, for privacy reasons. If you find yourself wandering out of the chat room's boundaries, go to the Map screen and hit the Update Location button to place yourself in the correct room.
Why can't I login with a phone number?
Phone Auth is still a beta feature and is only available in the US and Canada. There is no guarantee this feature will remain in future releases.
How do I delete my account?
Please email us at You'll be asked to verify the email/phone number used to sign up for the account. (Eventually, there will be an in-app option to do this.)
Why did you call it mungbean?
It's sortof a tentative title; the final product may be named differently. Let us know what you think!
Who's behind mungbean?
I'm just a guy building an app. Support indie devs!
What if I need more help?
Credits and Attributions
This app uses geographical data from GeoNames, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
This app may use GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
Copyright 2020 Mungbean Labs, LLC.